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The African Policy Discourse

The Africa Policy Discourse (TAPD) About The Africa Policy Discourse (TAPD) is a platform promoted by the AUST, as part of its responsibilities towards researching and contributing to the resolution of socio-economic challenges in Africa, from the policy perspective. The concept of TAPD arose from the mandate by Prof. Azikiwe Peter ONWUALU (AUST Ag. President) to the AUST Department of Public Policy, to fashion out approaches for interrogating policies across science, technology, engineering, innovation, economics, health, management, agriculture, energy, governance, infrastructure and other disciplines. Rationale for TAPD The current state of development in Africa when assessed by major development indices is to a large extent, a demonstration of how well public policy has fared in the continent. Given the integrated and complex nature of public policy, the need therefore arises for a platform where major policy issues that affect the continent can be assessed, discussed and reviewed, with the aim of contributing to better policy outcomes. This is the raison d’etre for ‘The Africa Policy Discourse’. Objectives of TAPD 1. To provide a platform for rigorous assessment of public policy issues that concern Africa. 2. To facilitate cross-college evaluation of policies, with a view to supporting enhanced policy outcomes. 3. To promote the culture of extensive review of policy propositions by policy makers, for the attainment of development objectives. Events/Previous Discourse The inaugural discourse took place on Thursday, October 27, 2022, and had Dr. DanAzumi M. Ibrahim, Director General of National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (NOTAP), as Guest Speaker. The discourse was titled ‘Strategic Acquisition and Promotion of Technology for Sustainable Development in Africa: The Nigerian Perspective’. Upcoming Events “Data Protection Policies and Economic Competitiveness: The Nigerian Perspective”, by Dr. Vincent Olatunji, National Commissioner/Chief Executive Officer, Nigeria Data Protection Bureau (NDPB). February, 2023. A number of other speakers are being confirmed for TAPD in 2023 TAPD Compendium and Research Dissemination The AUST periodic policy compendium, and institutional linkages with other Nelson Mandela Institutes (NMIs) across Africa, provides the platform for continental dissemination of the experiences and best practices that are derived from discourse papers. TAPD Management

Chairman:Prof. Azikiwe Peter Onwualu FAS

Vice Chairman: Dr. Olanrewaju Adebayo

Coordinator: Dr. Chukwuemeka Uwanaka

Programs: Ejemen Salami