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Petroleum and Energy Resources Engineering


The Petroleum Engineering faculty consists of visiting faculty largely drawn from the field but also from academia worldwide, all active in current research, and representing very diverse origins, from countries in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, South-east Asia and the United States. Petroleum Engineering education at AUST focuses on academic excellence. The program has very close links with the oil and gas industries, government and related agencies in the private sector. 

The goal of the graduate curriculum in Petroleum Engineering is to prepare advanced professionals who can play a transformational role in African industry, business and academia. Since students are admitted from diverse engineering and related backgrounds, the first six months of the graduate curriculum are designed to provide a foundation in the core subject areas, including a very strong foundation in Mathematics, as well as proficiency in computation and use of information technology. Specialized or core courses are offered in the next six months, followed by research that leads to the award of Masters. In the case of doctoral candidates, the coursework period is followed by preparation for a comprehensive examination, a pre-requisite for admission for full doctoral candidacy.

The Petroleum Industry Advisory Board is a major strength of the Petroleum Engineering Program. Members are drawn from the private and public sector, with a view to advising faculty and the university's administration and being a part of the development and periodic review of the curriculum. The body forms a strong link between the program and external stakeholders.