Professor Mamadou Kaba Traoré Publications
- Adelani D.I., Traoré M.K. 2016. Enhancing the Reusability and Interoperability of Artificial Neural Networks with DEVS Modeling and Simulation. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing. 7(3), World Scientific Publishing Company, DOI: 10.1142/S1793962316500057.
- Aliyu H.O., Maïga O., Traoré M.K. 2016. The High Level Language for System Specification: A Model-Driven Approach to Systems Engineering. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing: 7(1): 1641003 (35 p). World Scientific Publishing Company, DOI: 10.1142/S1793962316410038
- Aliyu H., Traoré M.K. 2015. Toward an Integrated Framework for the Simulation, Formal Analysis and Enactment of Discrete Events Systems Models. Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (Ed: Yilmaz L., Chan W.K.V., Moon I., Roeder T.M.K., Macal C., Rossetti M). December 6-9, Huntington Beach, CA. 3090-3091.
- Maïga O., Aliyu H., Traoré M.K. 2015. A New Approach to Modeling Dynamic Structure Systems. Proceedings of the 2015 European Simulation & Modelling Conference. ISBN: 978-90-77381-90-8. October 26-28, Leicester, UK, 141-148.
- Aliyu H., Maïga O., Traoré M.K. 2015. A Framework for Discrete Event Systems Enactment. Proceedings of the 2015 European Simulation & Modelling Conference. ISBN: 978-90-77381-90-8. October 26-28, Leicester, UK, 149-156.
- Djitog I., Aliyu H., Traoré M.K. 2015. Towards a Framework for Holistic Analysis of Healthcare Systems. Proceedings of the 2015 European Simulation & Modelling Conference. ISBN: 978-90-77381-90-8. October 26-28, Leicester, UK, 193-196.
- Wang Y., Zacharewicz G., Chen D., Traoré M.K. 2015. A Proposal of Using DEVS Model for Process Mining. European Modelling & Simulation Symposium, 27th Edition, Part of I3M (The International Multidisciplinary Modelling & Simulation Multiconference). September 21-23, Genoa, Italy.
- Wang S., Traoré M.K. 2014. DEVS-Based Case Management. Proceedings of 2014 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference. ISBN: 978-1-63266-215-6. April 13-16, Tampa, FL, USA, 243-249.
- Adegoke A., Traoré M.K. 2014. System of Systems based Approaches to Global Simulation in Africa. Proceedings of the 2014 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference. ISBN: 978-1-63266-215-6. April 13-16, Tampa, FL, USA, 81-88.
- Gouinaud C., Doutoum A.I., Gouinaud P., Traoré M.K. 2014. Using a Shape from Shading Method for Characterization of Dune Displacement in SAR Image. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), IEEE International. Canada.
- Gouinaud C., Doutoum A.I., Gouinaud P., Traoré M.K. 2014. Utilisation d’Images SAR Pour le Suivi des Déplacements des Dunes. Colloque sur l’Optimisation et les Systèmes d’Information (Poster), Université Abderrahmane Mira, Bejaia, Algérie.
- Wang S., Traoré M.K. 2014. A System-Theoretic Approach to Case Management. 2014 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (Poster). April 13-16, Tampa, FL, USA.
- Adegoke A., Traoré M.K. 2014. Consideration for M&S in Africa. Proceedings of the 2014 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (Poster). April 13-16, Tampa, FL, USA.
- Adegoke A., Togo H., Traoré M.K. 2013. A Unifying Framework for Specifying DEVS Parallel and Distributed Simulation Architectures. SIMULATION - Special Issue on Advancing Simulation Theory and Practice with Distributed Computing. 89(11): 1293 – 1309.
- Hill D., Mazel C., Passerat-Palmbach J., Traoré M.K. 2013. Distribution of Random Streams for Simulation Practitioners. Special Issue for High Performance Computing and Simulation. Concurrency and Computation, Practice & Experience. 25(10): 1427-1442.
- Traoré M.K. 2012. Advances on Theory of Modeling and Simulation. Special Issue for SIMULATION: Transaction of the Society for Modeling and Simulation, Simulation Series. DOI: 10.1177/0037549712470058.
- Aliyu H., Traoré M.K. 2016. Integrated Framework for Model-Driven Systems Engineering: A Research Roadmap. Proceedings of 2016 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference. April 3-6, Pasadena, CA, USA.
- Wainer G., Traoré M.K., Himmelspach J., Reiko H. 2011. Theory of M&S: DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium. Society for Computer Simulation International. ISBN: 9781617828386. Proceedings of the Spring Simulation Multi-Conference, April 4-7, Boston, MA.
- Kropf P., Abhari A., Traoré M.K. 2011. Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference. Society for Modeling & Simulation International. ISBN: 978-1-61782-950-5. June 27-30, The Hague, Netherlands.
- Reuillon R., Traoré M.K., Passerat-Palmbach J., Hill D. 2011. Parallel Stochastic Simulations with Rigorous Distribution of Pseudo-Random Numbers with DistMe: Application to Life Science Simulations. Special Issue for High Performance Computing and Simulation. Concurrency and Computation, Practice & Experience. 24(7): 723-728.