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Professor Thiare Notable Achievements

  • Scientific and technical Director of European Research Project (ID: 687607 H2020-ICT-2015) Participant "WAZIUP: Open Innovation Platform for IoT-Big Data in Sub-Sahara Africa". Estimated Project Cost: 2,799,662. 50 €. 2016-01-01/2019-01-01.
  • Research project leader of ”Wireless Sensor Networks applied to large-scale environmental surveillance of insects invasion in Sub-Sahara Africa”. Research project funded by FIRST (Fond d’Impulsion de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique). Funding of 30,000 €. 2013-01-06/2017-31-05.
  • Membre of the research project ”Wireless Sensor Networks and RFID technology against cattle theft”. Research project funded by FIRST (Fond d’Impulsion de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique). Funding of 25,000 €. 2014-05/2016-12-05.
  • Project partner: ”Implementation of socio-economic infrastructure for distributed development approach knowledge” (Funding Unesco-HP: US Dollar 45,000 on 2010-2012 and AUF 49,600 € on 2012-2013).
  • Research project leader of ”Wireless Sensor Networks for precision agriculture and food security”. Project submitted in 2014 to the FIRST (Fond d’Impulsion de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique) program funding 30,000 €.