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Dr. Usman Bello Abdulmalik





Assistant Professor (Mathematics)

Specialization: Operator Theory, Convex Optimization, Machine Learning and Mathematical Oncology 

Academic Qualification

B.Sc. Mathematics, Bayero University, Kano

M.Sc. Mathematics, African University of Science and Technology, Abuja, Nigeria.

Ph.D. Pure and Applied Mathematics, African University of Science and Technology, Abuja, Nigeria.


Google Scholar Profile:


Courses (Being taught at AUST):

  • Applied Functional Analysis
  • Iterative Methods
  • Introduction to Mathematical Analysis I
  • Introduction to Mathematical Analysis II
  • Matrix Theory
  • Differential Equations
  • Advanced Calculus
  • Elementary Mathematics I & II


Ongoing Research Projects

  • Automated Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Aid (ARTPA): A cloud-based radiobiologically optimized treatment planning assistant with real-time support; A project sponsored by the National Research Grant, Nigeria. Grant No.
  • Predictive Modelling and Forecasting of COVID-19 Transmission in Nigeria using Artificial Intelligence: A project supported by Canada's International Development Research Center (IDRC).
  • Projective Splitting Methods and its Application to Radiotherapy Planning Treatment.


Recent Publications     


  1.  A.U. Bello, M.O. Nnakwe and A.A. Adam; An Algorithm for Approximating Solutions of Split Hammerstein Equations. Mathematical and Computational Science Volume 9 (2023), Pages 92-101.
  2. C.C. Okeke, A.U. Bello; Strong convergence method for monotone inclusion problem with alternating inertial steps. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae 92 (1), 65-90.
  3. L.C. Okereke, A.U. Bello, E.A. Onwukwe; Toward Precision Radiotherapy: A Nonlinear Optimization Framework and an Accelerated Machine Learning Algorithm for the Deconvolution of Tumor-Infiltrating Immune Cells. Cells 11 (22), 3604.
  4. A.U. Bello, M. Alka, C.E. Chidume; Self-adaptive forward–backward splitting algorithm for the sum of two monotone operators in Banach spaces, Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering 2022 (1), 1-16.
  5. A.U. Bello, H. Yusuf, N. Djitte; Single-step algorithm for variational inequality problems in 2-uniformly convex banach spaces, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2(2022), 1-19.
  6. A.U. Bello, C.C. Okeke, M. Isyaku, M.T. Omojola; Forward-reflected-backward splitting method without cocoercivity for the sum of maximal monotone operators in Banach space, Optimization,(2022) 1-22.
  7. A.U. Bello, M. O. Nnakwe; An Asynchronous Inertial Algorithm for Convex Feasibility Problems with Strict Pseudo-Contractions in Hilbert Spaces. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathemat- ical Society(2022)65 (1), 229-243.
  8. C.C. Okeke, A.U. Bello; A Strong Convergence Algorithm For Solving Pseudomonotone Variational Inequalities With a Single Projection. The Journal of Analysis(2022)1-23
  9. C.C. Okeke, A.U. Bello, L.O. Jolaoso, K.C. Ukandu; Inertial method for split null point problems with pseudomonotone variational inequality problems. Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, doi: 10.3934/naco.2021037(2021).
  10. A.U. Bello, M.T. Omojola, M.O. Nnakwe; Two methods for solving split common fixed point

problems of strict pseudo-contractve mappings in Hilbert spaces with applications. Appl. Set-Valued Anal. Optim., 3 (2021), 75-93.

  1. A.U. Bello, M.T. Omojola, J. Yahaya; An Inertial-type Algorithm for Approximation of Solutions of Hammerstein Integral Inclusions in Hilbert Spaces. Fixed Point Theory and Applications (2021) DOI: 10.1186/s13663-021-00691-7.
  2. A.U. Bello, M.O. Nnakwe; An Algorithm for Approximating a Common Solution of some Non-linear Problems in Banach Spaces with an Application. Adv Diffee Equ 2021 109(2021) (Springer)
  3. C.E. Chidume, M.O. Nnakwe and A.U. Bello; An Iterative Algorithm for Solving Split Equality and Variational Inequality Problem for a Class of Nonexpansive-Type Semigroups. Advances in Variational Inequalities (2020), (Accepted).
  4. Uba, Markjoe O: Bello, Abdulmalik U; Chidume, Charlse E.; Approximation of Solutions of Hammerstein Equations with Bounded Monotone Maps in Lebesgue Spaces. PanAmer. Math. J. 29(2019), no. 2, 34-53.
  5. C.E. Chidume, A.U. Bello, An iterative algorithm for approximating solutions of Hammerstein equations with bounded generalized Phi-monotone mappings, Numerical Functional Analysis (Taylor and Francis) (2019)
  6. A.U. Bello, C.E. Chidume, M. Isyaku, Approximation of Solutions of Split Inverse Problem For Multi-valued Demi-Contractive Mappings In Hilbert Spaces, Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization: Theory and Optimization. 11(1) 15-28.
  7. C.E. Chidume, A.U. Bello, An Iterative Algorithm for Approximating solutions of Hammerstein equations with Monotone Maps in Banach spaces, Applied Maths and Computation (Elsevier), 313 (2017) 408-417.
  8. A.U. Bello, C.C. Okeke, C. Izuchukwu, Approximating Common Fixed Point for Family of Multivalued Mean Nonexpansive Mappings in Hyperbolic Spaces. Advances in Fixed Point

Theory (Springer) (2017). 7 (2017), No. 4, 524-543.

  1. C.C. Okeke, A.U. Bello, C. Izuchukwu, O.T. Mewomo, Split Equality for Monotone Inclusion Problem and Fixed Point Problem in Real Banach, The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 14 (2017), No. 2, 1-20.
  2. C.E. Chidume, A.U. Bello, B. Usman; Iterative Algorithms for Zeros of Strongly Monotone Lipschitz Maps in Classical Banach Spaces SpringerPlus, 2015, doi 10.1186/s40064015-

1044-1, 9 pp.

  1. C.E. Chidume, C.O. Chidume, A.U. Bello, An algorithm for Computing Zeros of Generalized Phi-Strongly Monotone and bounded Maps in Classical Banach Spaces, Optimization (Taylor and Francis), (2015) doi:10.1080/02331934.2015.1074686.
  2. C.E. Chidume, A.U. Bello, M. A. Onyido, Convergence theorem for a countable family of multi-valued strictly pseudo-contractive mappings in Hilbert Spaces, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis (Hikari) Vol. 9, 2015, no. 27, 1331-1340.
  3. C.E. Chidume, M.E. Okpala, A.U. Bello, P. Ndambomve, Convergence Theorems for Finite Family of a General Class of Multi-valued Strictly Pseudo-Contractive Mappings, Fixed Point Theory and Appl. (Springer-Verlag), 2015, DOI 10.1186/s13663-015-0365-7.
  4. C.E. Chidume, P. Ndambomve, A.U. Bello, M.E. Okpala, The Multiple-set Split Equality

Fixed Point Problem for Finite Family of Multi-valued Demicontractive Mappings, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis (Hikari), Vol. 9, 2015, no. 10, 453-469.

  1. C.E. Chidume, P. Ndambomve, A.U. Bello, The Multiple-set Split Equality Fixed Point Problemfor Multi-valued Demicontractive Mappings in Hilbert Spaces, Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, Vol. 6, No. 1, (2015), 61-69.
  2. C.E. Chidume, A.U. Bello, P. Ndambomve, M.E. Okpala, Strong Convergence Theorem for Fixed Poins of Nearly Uniformly L-Lipschitzian Asymptotically Generalized Hemicontractive Mappings, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis Vol. 9, 2015, no. 52, 2555-2569 (Hikari).
  3. C.E. Chidume, A.U. Bello, P. Ndambomve, Strong and ∆-Convergence Theorems for a Finite Family of Demicontractive Mappings in CAT(0) Spaces, Abstr. Appl. Anal. (Hindawi), 2014, Art. ID 805168, 6 pp.


Notable achievements

Rajesh Prasad Notable Achievement


  • Director, Mathematics Institute (Emerging Regional Center of Excellence of the European Mathematical Society), African University of Science and Technology, Abuja, Nigeria from October 2021-to date.
  • Director, School of Foundation and Remedial Studies (SFRS), African University of Science and Technology, Abuja, Nigeria from January 2022-to date.
  • Acting Dean, School of Science and Science Education, African University of Science and Technology, Abuja, Nigeria from December 2023-to date.
  • Head of Department Mathematics, African University of Science and Technology, Abuja, Nigeria from October 2021-to date.
  • Facilitator-General: Professional Diploma in Data Science, African University of Science and Technology Abuja, Nigeria, August 2022-to date.
  • Principal Investigator,  National Research Fund (TETFund) Grant ($85,000) Grant No. TETF/ES/DR&D-CE/NRF2021//SETI/SAE/00004VOL.I: Automated Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Aid (ARTPA): A cloud-based radiobiologically optimized treatment planning assistant with real-time support. (Role: Lead Researcher)
  • Mathematics Team Lead, Canada's International Development Research Center (IDRC) Grant No. 109559-001 ($22,000): Predictive Modelling and Forecasting of the transmission of COVID-19 in Africa using artificial intelligence (Nigeria case study)”.
  • Reviewer: Fixed Point Theory and Application for Science and Engineering; Journal of Nonlinear Science and Application.
  • Currently supervising 4 Ph.D. theses.